Press Release No.2

Solar-Tectic LLC (New York) and collaborator Blue Waves Semiconductors, Inc. (Maryland) report the successful demonstration of a crucial step towards breakthrough technology owned by Solar-Tectic LLC. The technology, disclosed by the late Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, materials scientist and winner of the United States National Medal of Technology and Innovation (1995), is a unique method of growing single crystal or large grained semiconductor films on inexpensive substrates such as soda-lime glass or metal tapes.  Demonstration of this crucial step was achieved this week in the lab of Blue Waves Semiconductors, Inc., in their Maryland office outside of Baltimore, under the directorship of Dr. RD Vispute. The crucial step achieved is the fabrication of a metal-induced epitaxial layer (Al-Si on Al203). This step, part of Solar-Tectic’s “1c-Si Eutectic” technology which is patent pending at the United States Patent Office, is crucial to achieving the ultimate goal for this technology: deposition of thin film semiconductors (for example, silicon) on soda-lime glass or metal tapes, and is a breakthrough for the solar cell industry as well as the display industry. In order for this to be achieved, the thin film had to be deposited below the softening temperature of glass, or ~600°C. Using a unique eutectic deposition method, a thin film of crystalline silicon was successfully deposited on a sapphire substrate at this temperature. Solar-Tectic LLC now plans to develop a solar cell from this metal-induced epitaxial layer, moving closer towards the $1/W goal for solar electricity.

For more information, please contact:

Ashok Chaudhari
Founding Manager
Solar-Tectic LLC
416 Long Hill RD E
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510

Dr. RD Vispute
Blue Wave Semiconductors, Inc.
UMBC Technology Center Suite 4064
1450 South Rolling Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21227 USA
(301) 706 8833