Press Release No.1

SOLAR-TECTIC LLC has been granted a world-wide exclusive license by Dartmouth College (USA) for a method of growing single crystal or large grained semiconductor thin-films on glass substrates, adding to the company’s intellectual property and overall objective which is the commercialization of single crystal silicon thin-film solar cells. The core of the technology involves the deposition of semiconductors films such […]

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Solar-Tectic Develops Method for Manufacturing Single-Crystal Thin Films

Link to cite USA – Solar-Tectic  reports that it has been granted a world-wide exclusive license for a method of manufacturing single-crystal thin films on ordinary glass over a large area for photovoltaic and display applications. The method stems from a Dartmouth College-sponsored research agreement with Solar-Tectic, initially inspired by a related technology disclosed by […]

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Dartmouth Researchers Make Solar Breakthrough

Researchers at Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering have made a significant breakthrough in the fabrication of thin-film solar panels. Recent announcements by Solar-Tectic LLC, who collaborated with the College under a “Sponsored Research Agreement,” claim a process for fabricating single-crystal silicon PV cells on glass. Translation: compact, inexpensive, and significantly more efficient solar panels. As a result of the breakthrough, the […]

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Green Technology

Firm client Solar-Tectic LLC has been granted a world-wide exclusive license for a method of manufacturing silicon thin-films on ordinary glass over a large area, thus allowing for the commercialization of single crystal silicon thin-film solar cells for the first time, at a cost that is orders of magnitude lower than current methods. The invention came out of […]

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Solar-Tectic LLC Gets Exclusive License for Manufacturing Single c- Si Thin-Films on Ordinary Glass SOLAR-TECTIC LLC has been granted a world-wide exclusive license for a method of manufacturing single crystal silicon (cSi) thin-films on ordinary glass over a large area, thus allowing for the commercialization of single crystal silicon thin-film solar cells for the first time. The invention came out of a Dartmouth College Sponsored Research Agreement with Solar-Tectic LLC, initially […]

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