Press Release No.8

Solar-Tectic LLC and researchers at SUNY – College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) have for the first time grown an ultra-thin crystalline silicon film on a flexible thin glass sheet. The film was characterized by Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and RAMAN, confirming a crystalline [111] oriented film has been […]

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Press Release No.7

Solar-Tectic LLC reports the successful fabrication of the first-ever single crystal heteroepitaxial silicon ultra thin film on ordinary (soda-lime) glass. The sample was made by Blue Wave Semiconductors (BWS) following a recipe by the late Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, and was characterized at SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering in Albany, NY, under the guidance […]

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Press Release No.5

Following a publication in Global Solar Technology Magazine (Volume 6 number 3 May/June 2013) reporting on the first ever metal-induced single crystal heteroepitaxial solar cells, Solar-Tectic LLC commissioned scientists to make a pole-figure confirming heteroepitaxy of silicon on sapphire (Al203) below the melting point of ordinary sodalime glass (600C). The pole figure analysis was carried […]

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