News No. 59

Solar-Tectic is very pleased to announce that yet a fourth patent for perovskite solar cells was allowed today by the US Patent Office.  US patent application 15/157,539 titled “Methods of growing heteroepitaxial single crystal or large grained semiconductor films and devices thereon” covers every type of perovskite as a top layer in a high efficiency […]

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News No. 58

Solar-Tectic is pleased to announce that yet another patent application for perovskite solar cells has been allowed.  Patent application US No. 15/479,388 entitled “Maximizing The Power Conversion Efficiency Of A Tin Perovskite/Silicon Thin-Film Tandem Solar Cell” significantly strengthens the Solar-Tectic patent portfolio for one of the most promising solar cell materials in the world right […]

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News No. 55

Solar-Tectic LLC is pleased to announce that the paper “High mobility crystalline silicon film growth below 600C from an Au-Si eutectic melt for TFTs” was published on-line. Please see the following link: The technology is patented and is a breakthrough for the display industry as it makes possible for the first time high mobility silicon TFT […]

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News No. 53

Solar-Tectic is pleased to report that a paper has been submitted for publication reporting high mobility in its crystalline thin-film technology for TFTs.  The title of the paper is “High Mobility Crystalline Silicon Film Growth Below 600C from an Au-Si Eutectic Melt for TFTs”.

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